How exactly?


Below you’ll find stories and suggestions about how you can reshape the world using your influence, voice, and spending power.



Use Your Influence:

We ALL have influence somewhere—with friends, family, and acquaintances at work, church, school, clubs—and we can leverage that influence to shape the world. Don’t know where to start? Read on…


Use Your Voice:

If we want change, we need to speak up. This can go a million different ways—from calling out harassment, to voting, to asking your kids’ school to compost, or requesting that your local grocery store stock fairtrade products. We all have a voice. Here’s how to use it for good…


Use Your Spending:

Women are the most powerful consumers in the world. Our everyday purchases have the power to transform systems of injustice—from modern slavery to climate change—if we only learn how to wield our economic power. Learn how…